Exploratory Surgery


About the Surgery: Surgery is a procedure of medical treatment concerned with diseases and conditions that amenable to manual procedures and by using instrumental techniques depends on the condition of patients to investigate or treat the disease or injury. Scientific Federation took initiative in the field of Surgery by introducing journal in the year of 2017.
        Surgery journal is related to the following keywords: Abdominal, Laparoscopy, Surgical instrument, Hernia sugery, Cardio surgery, Otto, Nose surgery, Bariatric surgery, Liposection, Drain surgery, Chemotherapy, Radio therapy, Robotic surgery, Maxofacial surgery, Acute care surgery, Laproscopic Surgery, Transplantation, Dental surgery, Kemotheropy surgery and Elective surgery.
           Surgery is a start up journal we have well qualified and higher educated editors in editorial board member. We have strong 26 editors and their research interests. We are assigned  editors from all over the world, universities and institutes. Some of the universities are like University of Crescent Drive, USA, University of Deakin, Australia, University of Zaragoza,  Spain, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, University of Nairobi, Kenya , University of Algiers, Algiers, University of Ehime, Japan, Koc University,  Turkey, University of California, USA. Research focus covers gastrointestinal cancer with particular interest to esophageal, liver and pancreatic diseases. Neurosurgery and Neuroscience field Cerebrovascular, Vascular neurosurgery, Skull base surgery, Brain Tumor, Stroke, Endovascular treatment. In editorial board we will assign one strong and active editor as an editor in chief.
           We will accept all types of aricles like Research article, Review article, Short communication, Editorial article and Case report article.
       We have 10 articles and 4 are in press and remaining are under review article. We are maintaining article tracking system after uploading artcle in tracking system author will get manuscript ID and Password. We will maintain the strict review process. After getting the article we will assign the well and active reviewers at the same day. The process will be count by the day of assigning reviewers to 21 working days.
           We are having best article titles like The Effectiveness of Hypnosis and Suggestive Techniques in Reducing Postoperative Side Effects in Children, Management of Conduit Ischemia and Necrosis following Esophageal Reconstruction, A particular shape of the appendix, Arcuate Line Position: Current Perspective and Revised Ansari Classification.